Yesterday I was waiting for a bus. Across the street I noticed a group of pigeons fighting over what had been an entire slice of bread. They pecked a the bread furiously sending it flying onto a different part of the street and hustling to continue the struggle.
The birds were soon joined by several other pigeons and some additional small birds. The pigeons were the obvious thing creatures, while the smaller birds watched seemingly helplessly.
Suddenly, one of the small birds saw an opportunity and siezed the moment, swooping in and grabbing the bread with his feet and flying away quickly.
Now the pigeons seemed legitimately confused by this action and wandered aimlessly, looking in all directions, but not one of them flew after the little bird to retrieve the bread. They simply scattered and walked about as though there had never been any bread and there never was a small maverick bird.
Meanwhile, the little bird enjoyed his feast of bread all alone several yards down the sidewalk. By now my bus had come, and I boarded, laughing to myself as I contemplated what I had just seen.
There has got to be a sermon illustration here. I welcome your input. I know where you could go with this one, but if you know aything about me, you'll know better than to go there.
P.S. Please read these next two entries in the reverse order in which they appear.
Blog looks great. I'll link you on mine tonight.
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