Past Memories, Present Joy, Future Hopes
Over the last two years, I've skipped my blog, maybe two or three times. Last week was one of them. I suppose I'm entitled to have a Thursday evening where time doesn't allow me to blog. I'll try not to let that happen too frequently.In any event, last weekend was a busy one as I was reminded of the passing of time venturing out to Stony Brook, Long Island for my 20th high school reunion. It's hard to believe it's been that long, especially considering that I wasn't even 20 years old when I graduated. A fair representation of my class managed to come from all over the globe to be there. I'm in the second row, fourth from the left in th epicture.
It was great to catch up with old friends, particularly one of my closest friends from High School, Jim (pictured here). I was a generally reputible student at the Stony Brook School back then, but I did find myself dabbling in a fair share of mischief and in most of those cases, Jim was right there with me. I'm not sure who instigated everything (we both played a role, I guess), but through everything, over the course of four years, there was always Jim.Reunions conjure up interesting things. There's always the sense of a return to the lost community of high school. The reuniting of friendships that had been lost. Maybe I'm a bit strange, but there's a Gospel connection here that I can't ignore. On the cross, Jesus restored the lost relationship between G
od and man brought about by sin. The joy we find in our reunion with God in the Gospel, however doesn't draw to a close with an exchange of phone numbers and e-mail addresses the way a high school reunion does. Not at all. When Jesus restores the relationship, it's a permanent restoration. In a sense, it's like a high school reunion that never ends, though that's not the best way to put it. Forgive me.The following day was my niece's dedication at my sister's Baptist church, elsewhere in Queens. Dorothy (pictured
with a specially commemorative cake, and in her father, Alex's arms below) was born back in June and in the Baptist tradition, she was dedicated. Family and friends came, there was cake, there was food and there was conversation, and of course, the guest of honor, my adorable niece, Dorothy.While it was a great moment, I couldn't help but think what a wonderful plan God has for her life. In His sovereignty, he brought her into a home with Believing parents who attend a strongly supportive church. I have no idea what kinds of things she'll see in her life, but I know God is good, so it's most exciting to consider.