Thursday, April 26, 2007

Reaching Out

Sorry for the short post this week, but I got home pretty late tonight. We had our first session of The Alpha Course tonight.

For those of you who don't know, Alpha is an introduction to the Gospel in a non-confrontational setting where no question is too combative, hostile or taboo. It's an opportunity for people to share and learn and, hopefully, come to understand the Gospel, either for the first time or at least better than before. We'll be continuing the course for the next six weeks and are hoping for God to do great things.

There are many other things going on at Ascension right now, but it's late at night and I have to get up in the morning. Please keep Ascension and all our ministries in your prayers.

Hopefully, I'll have more time to write a lengthier entry next week.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

April Showers? Fuggedaboudit!

This past Sunday, the Northeast got clobbered with a rare Spring Nor'easter that brought with it heavy winds and rain with cold temperatures and localized flooding. While most of Queens was spared any serious trouble (Kew Gardens, where I live, and Forest Hills are topographically high ground), but parts of Long Island, New Jersey and Westchester County saw some of the worst flooding in years. The worst thing about this week's weather in Queens was the rain and, what one radio weatherman described, temperatures that were "disappointingly chilly." (A phrase I could use do describe some dates I've been on).

There is sunshine on the horizon though, unseasonably warm weather is in the forecast for the weekend. At this time of the year, there always hope for brighter days ahead.

With all the ministries and activities we have planned at Ascension Church, you might say we have a similar hope for brighter days. From a Gospel perspective, central Queens, may be seen as "disappointingly chilly," but as we continue to build up and proclaim the Kingdom here, there is always a relentless hope for brighter days ahead. In the midst of this whirlwind, we are doing lots of follow-up from EasterFest. People filled out cards to share with us particular areas of interest and we are getting back to people to keep them in the know and hopefully get them invloved.

On another note, tax day has come and gone. Though not as bad as last year, Uncle Sam emptied my pockets. Yes, I have a full-time (non-ministry job) to pay the bills, and some tax is taken from that, but I'm still a great distance from returning to full-time ministry and tax returns remind me that my fundraising efforts still need to increase. With that said, if any of you have spend stime contemplating ministry gifts (or if you just don't know what to do with that big tax refund you got this year), I humbly suggest that you consider me and my work at Ascension Church... all gifts are tax-deductable (helpful during next year's returns). Gift checks should be made out to Ascension Church and sent to my attention at my home address: 83-44 Lefferts Blvd. Apt. 3C; Kew Gardens, NY 11415. This is an exciting ministry where God is doing some amazing things, and it would be great to have you on board with us.

Stay tuned for weekly updates and please keep us in your prayers.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

EasterFest Report

As I've been telling you for several weeks, much planning and prayer went into our EasterFest program this past weekend and I'm happy to report on God's extraordinary blessings in this event.

Our best guess at numbers would have in excess of 300 people from Forest Hills and the surrounding neighborhoods attending Ascension's EasterFest 2007.

Our various teams showed up early saturday morning to prepare the auditorium and gymnasium with decorations, flowers, sound systems, tables and chairs. We even brought in hay from a local stable (I know this is Queens, but there is a bridle stable in the neighborhood for horse riding in Forest Park) for our Easter Egg hunt.

It was so exciting to see such strong turnout and everyone who came and those who helped out, were thrilled that God brought so many people to us on an unseasonably cold day in April. It is yet to be seen how this event will effect the church over the long haul, but it's comforting to know that so many people had an interaction with the Gospel. Everyone who came got a packet which included information on the church's ministries, a welcome letter from Michael Kytka, our pastor, and a book offering an apologetic for the resurrection of Jesus.

I apologize for the expression on my face in the last picture on this blog post, but this is what happens when someone is taking candid pictures and in the midst of a flurry of activity... you look at the camera. But hey, I rarely include pictures of myself on this blog. Occasionally I need to provide you visual proof that I actually work at this church.

God continues to amaze and encourage us in our work here, and it's my joy to share the excitement right here each week. Keep Ascension Church and our continued development in your prayers.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Noses to the Grindestone
This week, as with any week where Ascension Church has a major community outreach activity (VBS, Christmas Celebration, etc.), we've been in a frenzied pace filling what seems like every waking hour with some kind of EasterFest activity. Between firming up volunteers, distributing flyers and invitations, coordinating the activities, and blanked with a fervent team of prayer warriors (people like YOU included.
Some of this was further complicated by our storage facility closing for the Easter holiday. As you know, we don't have our own building and have a lot of equipment which we keep in a storage facility in the neighborhood. In recognition of Easter, they place will be locked up Sunday meaning that, for Ascension, an already challenging logistical situation, became well, more challenging.
In the midst of it all, we are having a Good Friday service tomorrow night, though EasterFest planning and promotion will be happening on both sides of our service. Immediately prior, and there'll even be a team handing out flyers on Saturday morning immediately before EasterFest starts.
Next week, I'll tell you how it all went. Stay tuned right here and remember to keep us in your prayers.