No my friends, this will not be an autobiographical sketch about me. If you've read my blogger profile or

This Sunday marks the last week that we will be worshipping in a private school library at 4:00 in the afternoon. As I've mentioned before, beginning May 7th, we will move operations to a public school auditorium and meet at 10:30 in the morning. We are anxious to make this move because this facility will provide for us opportunity for growth. To add to that, we gain legitimacy in inviting people to our worship services when we tell them we meet at 10:30 as opposed to 4:00.
Other ministries at Ascension are taking shape. POLO (Parents of Little Ones) will be designed to meet the needs of the large number of young parents in our congregation. I know it may seem strange to some of you that people would attempt to raise children in New York City by choice, but we have a number of such people. My parents raised me and my sisters here and we turned our okay (keep your comments on this limited). Additionally, the singles ministry I've been mentioning here now has a name: The Indie Society. This name was intentionally chosen to protect us from making this outreach a Geek Fest or Meat Market. We will be having our first meeting in a few weeks, and will branch out to have social activities that should take us into the Summer.
I am also planning to have more joint activities with our youth and the youth at Astoria Community Church (PCA) like we had a few weeks ago. Now that the weather is getting better, there is an increased opportunity to do these kinds of things and strengthen our relationship with another church at the same time.

Other News: Michael and I went out to my old high school stomping grounds with his son, Michael Jr. He's considering sending his son to the Stony Brook School and I waxed nostalgic touring the campus this past Monday.

Please continue to keep Ascension Presbyterian Church in your prayers as we move to the new facility and as our ministries continue to develop.
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