Thursday, February 23, 2006

Finishing February Filling In

Donald Trump and Martha Stewart are exchanging heated words. Anthrax is discovered in a Brooklyn storage facility. The government wants to sell the West Side shipping docks to terrorists. These are big concerns in the lives of New Yorkers, but my biggest focus this week was the fact that Michael Kytka has been on vacation this week placing responsibility for Ascension Church squarely on my shoulders. I can't really complain. I've been living a charmed life with Michael handling the lion's share of preparation for our Sunday worship services and planning and organizing things. It's not that I can't handle the extra responsibilities; it's just that I haven't had to before.

With the kids out of school for President's week, his wife off from work (she works for the NYC Public School System), and his birthday falling during the week, he is taking a well-deserved vacation. He is one of the hardest working people I know, and I'm happy that he trusts me enough not to single-handedly bring down the church in one week.

How many church planting blogs feature pictures of Donald Trump and Martha Stewart anyway?

I was a bit disoriented this week, however. Each of our home groups is working through the book of Galatians, but each of them is at a different point in the study. I gave an advanced lesson to Michael's Monday night group, while showing up on Tuesday night with a repeat lesson prepared for them. To clarify, what I prepared for Monday night was what I should have thought on Tuesday night and vice versa. Are you following me? I'm sure Michael will forgive me without handing me down the Donald's, "You're fired!"

The late February winter blasts have continued to batter the New York metropolitan area. As you know, we had a record-setting blizzard a couple of weeks ago. While there was a warming trend during the following week that melted most of the snow, we were hit by an arctic blast over the weekend. This weekend promises more of the same. We've been in a pattern of experiencing the most dramatic weather changes on the weekends, and that trend seems to be continuing.

Next week, we introduce our weekly observance of the Lord's Supper, and sometime in March I will be scheduling the much-hyped singles ministry. Please keep these things in your prayers. My other major prayer request, once again, involves financial matters. Because my income is primarily based on the generosity of my partners, I've been living tax-free since July. April 15th is shaping up to be a scary day for me, as my fundraising activity has resulted in barely enough to get me by. Every dime I take home is spent on bills and groceries and I haven't been able to put money aside to prepare for the tax man. I do wish, however, to comply with the law and pay my taxes. If you have been considering partnership with me in this exciting ministry, or you know someone who might be interested, please let me know. Make checks payable to Redeemer Presbyterian Church and mail them to me at: 83-44 Lefferts Blvd. Apt. 3C; Kew Gardens, NY 11415. Be sure to put my name on the memo line. That's all for this week. Take care.


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