Ascension Church marked a milestone this past Sunday. We held our first Baptism during our morning worship service. It was exciting, not only for the three individuals who were baptized, but for their extended family and our church family. Like all Protestant Christians of an Orthodox persuasion, we recognize two sacraments of the Church: The Lord's Supper and Baptism. At our church, we celebrate the Lord's Supper each week. Baptism, by design, is not a weekly practice, but we do endeavour to do it as often as possible in recognition of God's covenant grace. Of course, from a logistics standpoint (without going into any theological detail), it's much more advantageous for a Presbyterian church plant to perform a Baptism, than for our Baptist brothers and sisters.
Speaking of Baptism, only eight days into June, and it seems we've had about a month's worth of rain. If you've been reading my blog since I started, you may recall my mention of a two-week span of constant rain back in the Fall. This one isn't quite that bad, but the volume of rain in nonetheless impressive. This past Friday afternoon, we had such a downpour that Subway service was disrupted for track and station flooding. For a guy without a car, mass transit is my lifeline, and problems with the trains pose big problems for me. Relief is in the future according to the weather forecast and the weekend is looking good at the moment.
On that note, today is my older sister, Charlene's birthday and tomorrow is my younger sister, Jane's birthday. That's right. There's a four-year and one day difference between my sisters' ages. I was born in the meantime. This weekend we will all be gathering at Jane's home in Connecticut to celebrate. This will be my first trip up there since Christmas. In addition to celebrating two birthdays, I'm looking forward to seeing my nephews (Jane's two sons). Don't be surprised to see pictures of them posted here soon. I think they're, "blog worthy."
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