This past weekend, I finally had the chance to visit with my sister in Connecticut to celebrate her birthday along with my older sister's birthday (June 8 and 9 respectively with a four-year difference between each sister). While I took pictures, my digital film isn't finished so there are no pictures of my nephews on this blog this week. It was, however, great to spend time with the family and see my nephews whom I haven't seen since Christmas. Don't worry, I sent my brother-in-law a Father's Day card a few days ago. I think there should be an Uncle's Day so someone will send me a card in lieu of my own fatherhood status.
I had the chance to experience a little taste of fatherhood yesterday when I took the boys from our youth group to Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey. We had a wonderful time. One of the boys even braved the Kingda Ka roller coaster (the fastest and tallest in the world). I like roller coasters, but this thing rockets people at a whopping 128 mph and travels more than 400 feet straight up and down with an unsurpassed Zero Gravity effect. I had a hard time even watching it. The boys got along great and thanked me for taking them to the park (I hadn't been there since my senior year in High School). I got the father feeling, though none of these boys could pass for my son. The nice thing was that I got to drop them off with their actual fathers and get a good night's sleep on my own.
Of course, the Father theme would not be complete without mentioning Ascension Church's continued reliance on our Heavenly Father as our Summer plans continue to take shape. There is much on the docket during the next couple of months, not to mention a major change in my own status in relation to my work in the church. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
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