Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!
Well, just about everything in our church plant starts this week... Just shy of our actual launch (scheduled for near Thanksgiving).
My three small groups and youth ministry kick off this coming week (Two are meeting this Sunday evening for a combined dinner, though Sunday is not the scheduled time for either group). Our curriculum is in the mail from Great Commission Publications; we are having our rehearsal worship services with discussion following (a dangerous time for a church, as individuals who wish to establish themselves as spiritual leaders and de facto leaders may attempt to accomplish this status by asking many questions and making several comments, not because they want the church to benefit, but because they want to be seen in a flattering spiritual light). Please pray for these services.
Michael and I will also be going out with questionnaires to the community asking them to share their thoughts on establishing a new local church, Christianity, God, etc., and attempting to derive a name from amidst their responses. Needless to say, our dance card is full.
Church Plant Prayer Concerns: Our Youth Programs, Sunday School Programs, and Small Groups; Our continued rehearsal worship services working up to our November launch; Michael's and my prayer lives, that we would grow to love Jesus more and more each day; the individuals in our launch community; and, as always, my continued fundraising efforts (support information can be found in other entries on this blog). BTW: Visit Reyn's blog this week. There's a big picture of me in his weekly posting.
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