Signs of Life
Well, we've crossed another major threshold in the life of this church plant. This past Lord's Day we held our first pre-launch worship service at the school. It was very exciting to meet together for worship instead of simply meeting to discuss the formation of things or gathering socially. It's actually feeling like we're a church now.
Michael put me in charge of the bulletin, which I was happy to do. There were a few glitches in this process however. Michael's computer hard drive crashed on Saturday, our pianist was in Connecticut until late Saturday night, and I didn't get music and order of worship information until early Sunday morning. Fortunately, our service was at 4:00 pm and I had all day to put the bulletins together... and I needed it. I was supposed to lead the music during the service, but my work on the bulletin prohibited that from happening. Because it was such a rush deal, the bulletin looked lousy, and our music program needs some work. But, hey, considering that it was our first pre-launch service, I'd say it went very well. This week's service should be much better. I'm using larger paper for the bulletins and expect to have time to rehearse the music so at least those elements of worship will improve.

I also met with the youth in the church this week. When I say youth, I know what you're thinking, but this was a group of about four boys between 10 and 12 years old. I took them to Eddie's Sweet Shop on Metropolitan Ave. in Forest Hills to get to know them and let them know what I have in mind for them in the weeks and months ahead. It was fun.
You have to experience Eddie's Sweet Shop. It's a classic Forest Hills Landmark and one of the few remaining places to get a

classic New York Egg Cream. How can I describe an egg cream? Well, there's no egg or cream in it, but it's sort of a cross between an ice cream soda and a milkshake, though not quite. In any event, it's an old time five borough drug store candy counter classic. If any of you visit me, we'll go to Eddie's and I'll treat you to an egg cream. I'm sure my father's mouth is watering as he's reading this. Certainly it would be impossible to find a good egg cream in Florida.
Prayer Concerns: We are moving steadily toward an early December launch. There is much preparation to be made before then. Please keep these matters in prayer. With the holidays coming up and student loans kicking in, my fundraising efforts need to increase. Anyone considering support should make checks out to Redeemer Presbyterian Church placing my name on the memo line. Send them to my address: 83-44 Lefferts Blvd. Apt. 3C; Kew Gardens, NY 11415. Remember to include a note explaining the frequency of your gift (monthly, quarterly, once-a-year, etc.). My holiday plans are also developing as are the radio interview I've spoken about, and additional speaking opportunities. Our church is also considering rental space from an actual church in Forest Hills. Please pray for God to show us clearly if this door is opened or closed to us.
Have a Blessed week.