Thursday, November 17, 2005

Icing on the Cake

For those of us who went to Seminary to train for a call to ministry the capstone event is not graduation, it's ordination. Ordination is the confirmation of an inward call to ministry by an outward call to shepherd a flock. This happened on Sunday, not for me (my ordination is at least a year away), but for Michael.

At a beautiful, encouraging, and well-attended service at Astoria Community Church, Rev. Michael A. Kytka was ordained as the church planter to Forest Hills. After his seminary study and Presbytery exams, Michael finally took the ordination vows and following the laying on of hands by several pastors and elders, he was pronounced an ordained minister of word and sacrament in the Presbyterian Church in America. Here is Michael with his first pastor from Staten Island (left) and the pastor under whom he worked in St. Louis during seminary (center).

This was a key event in the life of our church plant. Now we can have more complete worship services, with the Lord's Suppe
r and proper benedictions each week. With this, we can look forward with more excitement to our launch. During the service, several people from our launch community presented Michael with gifts, including a shepherd's staff. I'm not sure where you can buy one of those things in Queens, but I think Michael should preach with the staff in one hand and a Bible in the other. Wouldn't that be interesting?

I like this picture of m
e and Michael because it makes me look brawnier than I actually am. My double breasted suit jacket was open and I look like I've been working out. I should wear this suit more often. The picture was taken at the reception that followed the service where there was a lot of great food and a really big cake (pictured above).

In a related news flash, this past Sunday also marked the return of free parking in New York City. A few years ago, in response to a budget crisis, the
"Pay to Pray," policy was put in place eliminating free meter parking in the city on Sunday. Pastors from throughout the city have been complaining about it ever since because their parishoners were constantly leaving worship services in order to feed the parking meters. Who says the church has no clout in New York?

Finally, the CMA Awards were presented at Madison Square Garden on Tuesday night. My Mississippi readers might find it interesting to know that New York City is the second largest market in America for Country Music. Fuggedabout it, y'all. This was the first time the CMA held the gala outside of Nashville in 39 years.

Prayer Concerns: We are still waiting to hear back from the church who is considering renting worship space to the church plant. Until we hear, we will continue to meet at the school as we have been for the last several weeks. We are continuing to research ideas for a church name. We hope to have one soon... at least before our launch. Over these first few months, I've discovered an increased need for a car. Yes, I'm in Queens and have access to buses, cabs, and the subway, but my ability to work more widely is hampered by my lack of personal transportation. Currently, I cannot afford either to buy a cheap car or pay insurance. In order for me to do this, I will need to raise more money. As many of you are considering holiday giving, please consider my work in this church plant. I'm still short on general funds, but would need a bit more in order to pay car expenses. If you are interested in support (longer term or one-time Christmas giving, etc.), please make checks out to Redeemer Presbyterian Church with my name on the memo line. Send them to 83-44 Lefferts Blvd. Apt 3C; Kew Gardens, NY 11415.


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