This last weekend, atheletes from all over the world descended on New York City for a five-borough street tour. That's right, the 36th New York City Marathon, a gruling 26.2 mile course, is the grand prize for distance runners and was won by (surprise, surprise) a Kenyan. Interestingly, the race was run in some of the thickest fog in the marathon's history. Hmmm... running a race in the fog, certainly there's a metaphor here for our church planting work. Thoughts?
Our second pre-launch service was a notable improvement over our first. The biggest improvements were in our bulletin, which was legible this week, and our music, which was easier on the ears.

We are in the midst of a six-week pre-launch series where Michael is preaching on texts related to the purposes of the church. We are following up the sermons with Home Fellowship Group studies on the sermon texts. One of the people in our launch community told me how excited he was when I handed him a bulletin last Sunday because we are starting to feel less like a concept and more like a church. I certainly share his excitement there.
This Sunday is Michael's ordination which will be held at Astoria Community Church (PCA). It's yet another step in the direction of our launch and there is much excitement here over that as well. Most of the launch community will be on hand for the ceremony and we will all be invited to come up as the Presbytery representatives will pray not only for Michael, but also for the church plant.
Another Michael, Mayor Bloomberg was re-elected this week marking the

Prayer Concerns: Michael's ordination is this Sunday. Please pray that it will be a God-honoring event as a large number of people will be there both from our church plant launch community and from outside. Our actual launch date is still a few weeks away and we haven't ironed out a name for the church yet. We are being very intentional with what we call the church and need careful, prayerful consideration before we go forward. We are also looking, as I've mentioned previously on this blog, at an actual church who may be interested in renting to us. Please pray for God to make clear to us whether this door is opened or closed to us.
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