For the next two weeks I get to play "de facto" pastor as Micahel and his family disappear to take a vacation and celebrate their wedding anneversary. Well, at least that's how it feels. I'm not even ordained yet, so I'm not a real pastor yet (I'm tempted to say that I play one on TV), but if I'm not willing to step up to the plate in the pastor's absense, I might want to reconsider my own call. Well, hey, it's Summer here, things are a bit out of the ordinary, people appear and disappear all the time. Why not the pastor? Michael is one of the hardest working people I know and he deserves to take a break.
He's off to the City by the Bay, San Francisco and I hope he has a great time. Meanwhile, I'll be back here holding down the fort, working with some of the people who've volunteered to help us with our VBS program which we've scheduled for the last week in July. VBS will be my last full-time responsibility as an Intern because beginning in August, I'll be working a full-time job to pay the bills so I can continue to work part-time for the church. I know it sounds complicated, but God has put me here and I'm happy with whatever that ends up looking like.
Isn't it incredible that God has called cracked clay vessels to do the impossible? Yet, we are called to walk according to the Spirit (by faith) and not according to the flesh (in unbelief). Be encouraged, brother. God will equip you to complete all that he calls you to do.
In the Lamb,
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