Think about it. The primary activities of the day center on eating a huge meal, watching football, and dozing off on the couch. Speaking on behalf of American men everywhere, these things constitute a textbook perfect day. When it comes down to it, I think most men would find that if they had a choice, everyday would be Thanksgiving.
Of course, I would argue that everyday should be Thanksgiving, though not because of the particular elements of the day itself. We serve a wonderful, loving and gracious God who is full of mercy and compassion, who out of His great love for us, sent his son Jesus to live and die to bring us into communion with Himself. Our thanksgiving should rightly flow from that.

When I consider the Gospel movement in central Queens through Ascension Presbyterian Church, I'm filled with awe at God's hand at work here and am humbled and thankful for that work. When I think ahead at the wonderful plans He has laid out before us, not even knowing many of the details of them yet, my thankfulness increases. Please continue to hold our ministry here in your prayers with thanksgiving, and accept my warmest wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving as well. May God continue to bless you all.
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