Slippin' Slippin' Slippin' into the Future
At the end of the year we often reflect on the year gone by and consider all that took place. I don't generally make resolutions for a new year because they essentially draw attention areas where I've failed during the previous year and punctuate my weaknesses into the future.Why not make new day's resolutions or new hour's resolutions. If I resolved to serve the Lord each day when I woke up, I think I'd find much more fulfillment than if I resolved to drink less coffee in 2007 (I'm not planning to actually drink less coffee. This was merely an example).What a year it's been. Ascension Church launched and grew, I began tentmaking to make ends meet. I'm still not married and continue to age relentlessly (though the old guy in the picture isn't me).Time marches on. God keeps
on working. When I consider the magnificent work of God here in Queens over the past year, it's pretty exciting to imagine the things He'll do in the coming year and for years to come as we continue to proclaim His Kingdom here in New York City.The new year is also an opportunity for some of you to partner with me afresh. I am still very much in need of financial support
as I continue in my capacity here at Ascension Presbyterian Church. Many of you reading this blog can possibly afford $20 to $25 a month. Perhaps your churches can join in with $200 a month. No matter how large or small, financial partnership in our Gospel endeavours here goes a long way in bringing people here face to face with the Gospel of Grace. Should your 2007 budget fit such support, checks should be made out to Ascension Church and mailed to my home address: 83-44 Lefferts Blvd. Apt. 3C; Kew Gardens, NY 11415. Remember to put my name on the memo line.May God bless you abundantly in the coming year.
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