Why do I mention the A380 here. Well, it brings more people into Queens at any given time than any other mode of transport. Granted, most of them won't stay here, but at least the first destination for the passengers, wherever they come from, is Queens.
Bringing in a lot of people has been in the forefront of my thinking these days as we continue to develop our big EasterFest event through the church. Restaurants are donating food; posters are going up; press releases have gone out; and we are hoping for God to bring us people from among the neighbors to grow our Gospel community. While they won't get to EasterFest on a big jet plane, they'll get there. After all, God is far more reliable than any airline these days anyway.

Signs of Spring abound as well. Tuesday evening at 8:00 was the vernal equinox, where as theory has it, an egg can stand on end for a few minutes because of the equilibrium of the Earth's gravitational pull. I didn't try it myself. Don't care to actually. At this point in March, with the exception of Christ's return, of course, all I want is melting ice and snow and baseall season. I rest in the hope of all these things happening with absolute certainty.
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