Ascension at the Movies
Last Friday night, The Indie Society, Ascension Church's ministry for singles and couples without children, went to see the opening of Amazing Grace: The William Wilberforce Story at a local movie house. We had a good turnout with 15 people showing up to see a fine film about this abolitionist with strong faith and conviction.I think many of those of us who attended the film would recommend it as it is well acted and directed. Admitedly, though it couldn't be blotted out entirely, Wilberforce's faith was somewhat downplayed to bring more attention to his social activism which ultimately ended the slave trade in 18th Century Britain. The most disappointing part of the film for me was where a dying William Pitt comments about wishing he had the same faith as Wilberforce. There was an opportunity to hit a home run here, but we are forced to settle for a bunt as Wilberforce turns the conversation to politics and not the Gospel.It was great to have a good gathering of young adults from the church together, after which we retired to a local watering hole to discuss the film. The Indie Society is but one of several exciting ministries of our church. We have others.
Several of us met this past Tuesday evening to firm up some plans for our big Ascension Easterfest scheduled for April 7. This will be a major community outreach in connection with Easter to broaden our reach and, God-willing, expand the Kingdom. We will have a major promotion campaign with posters and fliers and newspaper ads, etc. Music, Crafts, Games and other activities are scheduled, but this will not simply be a festival or carnival. There will be follow-up with new friends and, as the Spirit directs, Gospel opportunities a plenty. Please pray for this event as we continue to work on the details.
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