A lot of people see January one of the months you simply

February is upon us and we anxiously await the groundhog's report tomorrow to see when we'll have our official introduction to Spring this year. As you know, it's a major holiday to be approached with reverence and respect. To that end, the Indie Society, our ministry to singles and couples w/o kids is getting together at Michael's house to watch the epic masterpiece, Groundhog Day. We will also be laying out some plans for other activities for the group for the coming months.
The following evening my youth group will join the youth from another PCA church in Queens to go bowling. I, myself, haven't bowled in quite a while and realize that I'm setting myself up for great embarassment in

On another note. My Nephew Tyler turned 5 last week and I went up to his birthday party this past Saturday (I forgot to bring my digital camera with me or there would be a shot of him here). He's a great kid. Additionally, my Father celebrated a milestone birthday this past Tuesday and oddly he seems to get healthier with age. To pass him on the street, you might mistake him for a man 10 to 15 years his junior. These too are matters of great praise to God on my part.
Check in next week for more exciting updates on God's work through Ascension Church
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