Never a Dull Moment
Ministry in central Queens is a never-ending challenge. Combine the fast-moving, career driven, multi-ethnic populous, the "can I sell a kidney to pay my rent?" cost of living, the quest for a parking spot less than a 10-minute walk from home, with my personal tug-of-war between a full-time job, and part-time ministry, boredom never enters the program.
This week, Michael is on vacation, which he very much deserves, but Ascension Church doesn't take a vacation when the pastor does. We keep active and Gospel driven.
People move to
New York City for a variety of reasons. Some have come from other countries for opportunities not available in their native lands. Others come here, yes even to Queens, for the glitz and glamour of living in the nation's biggest city. Still others are like me, who, although I've lived in many places in the U.S. and abroad, my prespective has rarely crossed the East River or Cross Island Parkway beyond Queens.
For most of these pepople, business is an escape, even a god. They worship their busy schedules; their plethora of activities; their jobs. For these people, a busy schedule is an escape. Ascension Church, and the individuals in our community are busy, not as an escape, rather out of a drive and passion for the Gospel. We have not made a god of our schedules. God is busy building His kingdom in Forest Hills, and His people are busy fulfilling our kingdom calling.
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