As promised, here is a picture of the enormous Lazy Susan on the table at the Thanksgiving festivities at my sister's brother-in-law's house. It was quite impressive... two levels, about two and a half feet in diameter (rough estimate). The biggest temptation I had was not to eat too much (that's not a consideration at Thanksgiving). No. I had to overcome the urge to spin the Lazy Susan really fast to watch all the food fly off all over the room. Alas, as a guest who wishes to be invited back next year, this child-like inclination had to be surpressed. The second picture, by the way is of me with my sister Charlene and brother-in-law Alex after Thanksgiving dinner.
Big News! At long last,

Prayer Needs: With our launch date now set and the Christmas holiday drawing closer, please keep our church plant in your prayers. Additionally, with the new year on the horizon, my plan is to get a car (I have come to the conclusion that a car is more of a necessity than a luxury for me), and my year-end fundraising efforts will be increasing. To that end, any of you who have been considering support or perhaps considering increasing current suport should make checks out to Redeemer Presbyterian Church with my name on the memo line. Send them to my address at 83-44 Lefferts Blvd. Apt 3C; Kew Gardens, NY 11415. Please include a note with any check explaining the frequency of your giving (one-time, monthly, quarterly, etc.).
Until next week, may God continue to bless you and grant you His riches during this Christmas season.
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