Thursday, August 02, 2007
Home, Home Again...
The visit to Mississippi was great, but it's back to work here in Queens.
With all my talk of my sojourn in the south last week, I forgot to mention what a great report I hears about our VBS. It was well attended and there was lots of available help from visiting Churches, many of whom had never experienced ministry in a New York City context. Everyone with whom I spoke regarding VBS expressed excitement and encouragement on the top of their list of observations about VBS. Exhaustion was also on people's lists, though that should be obvious.
My boss Michael was off last week, though with the continuing saga surrounding his father's health concerns, I wouldn't call last week much of a vacation for him. With time off behind both of us, planning for the fall is the next big project. Please pray for Ascension Church as we move rapidly into the weeks and months ahead. I would also ask for your continued prayers for Michael's father George and for the
whole family as they move through this difficult time.

To change tones a bit, I got this picture of my niece Dorothy by e-mail and I really wanted to post it. She's nearly two months old now and the best picture I've posted of her to this point featured me more prominently than it showed Dorothy. I think it's high time she got her own picture on my blog. Here she is!
I pray God's richest blessings for you in the week to come until I see you on the blogwaves next Thursday.
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