We do holidays big here in New York. People always talk about coming here at Christmas to see the lights or

Independence day here certainly fits the bill. With fireworks filling the night sky over the East River and New York Harbor, and of course Brooklyn' big Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest each drawing an international crowd.
This year, the Americans recaptured the Hot Dog Crown when Joey Chestnut or San Jose, CA downed 66 hot dogs in 12 minutes (1 every 11 seconds) to set a new world record and beat six-time champ, Takeru Kobayashi of Japan. There's big money to win in these contests, but that can't be good for you. Yikes.
Big events like fireworks displays and hot dog eating contests take lots of planning and publicity. Ascension Church has a big thing coming up that poses slightly less of a fire or heartburn threat. In two weeks, we will have our second Vacation Bible School and there's been much planning and publicity. We've put the word out and put the posters up and we're praying for God to surprise us with a great blessing that will surpass what we experienced last year. I ask that you pray for this event as well.
Meanwhile, I'm planning my trip to Mississippi and that's still taking shape as well. I look forward to seeing some of you when I get down there. I don't get enough deep fried food up this way. Of course, I know where I can get a hot dog.
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