Learning to WalkI know what most of you are thinking, I'm about to say something witty about
the difficulties of church planting in Queens and how it's something like learning to walk. Well, it is something like that, but when I titled this blog entry, "Learning to Walk," I may be referring to what I'll have to do as far as getting around town if the threatened transit strike becomes a reality.
That's right. As a man without a car, I might have to walk everywhere I go after the midnight deadline for some workable agreement to be reached between the Transportation Workers Union (TWU) and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). Fortunately, I can walk to most things directly associated with the Forest Hills Church Plant, but if I want to go anywhere else, hey, what're ya gonna do?In any event, this Sunday will be our last scheduled pre-launch worship service as we do not have access to the building for Christmas and New Year's Days. We are NOT, however, following the lead of many mega-churches who have voluntarily canceled services these days so people can spend more time with their families. That's an absurd idea. We want to meet... we just can't.Lots of Christmas stuff going on with the church plant. We are having the small
groups host Christmas parties with a featured directed look at Christmas. People are encouraged to invite neighbors... especially ones they don't know. So far, it's been well received amongst the groups who've done it so far. Also, many people in the launch community will be going to a Christmas pageant in Staten Island this Friday evening at the Church where Michael met his wife. And, Sunday will also witness the second annual Christmas party at the Kytka's. Because I've let it be known that I like to bake, I've been asked to do so and plan to bring my famous cookies (those of you who've had them, know what I'm talking about.). It is keeping all of us very busy.Lastly, my birthday is this Friday (Dec. 16.). Other than my birth in Queens, the
only other noteworthy New York happening on this day was 20 years ago. On December 16, 1985, Big Pauly Castellano was wacked as he was getting out of his car in front of Sparks Steak House in Manhattan. The hit was allegedly ordered by John "the Dapper Don," Gotti, who essentially ran the Gambino Crime Family from that time until Salvatore (Sammy the Bull) Gravano ratted on him to send him to jail. Gravano is currently in the witness protection program. Gotti died from cancer.Prayer concerns: Michael has been undergoing physical therapy for his back and there appears to be progress made. This is a real answer to prayer, but he will continue to need the therapy and not strain his back to continue the progress. My parents will be coming up next week for the holidays. Please pray for their safe travels. As I said last week here, we will be broadening our worship community on January 15. Please keep this matter and all others in your prayers. Until next week, take care and God-bless.
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