If ever there was an example of Satan's attack, our church plant would be one. After being forced to worship elsewhere on Christmas and New Year's, Michael's continued back problems (he also had a cold back in the fall and suffered from food poisoning two weeks ago) it would be easy to fall into discouragement. Fortunately, our church is strengthening its resolve and finding renewed encouragement in light of the slings and arrows.
Yes, these distractions were again on full display this week as I received the the phone call Sunday morning to which I've becomed quite accustomed. After significant progress with his physical therapy and treatment on his herniated disk, something happened Saturday to re-aggrivate the condition and Michael was again in unbearable pain on the other end of the phone line. Yes, boys and girls, once again I had to preach on the fly. It's okay. I don't really mind. It's part of my job, and in light of this critical time in the life of Ascension Church, I'm happy to step up to the plate. It does make for an increasedly hectec Lord's Day, which is quite a challenge.
Entertainment Suggestion: I always try to encourage enthusiasm for our work and ministry here in Queens, so allow me to make a suggestion to that end. For an authentic depiction of life in New York City's largest borough, tune in to "The King of Queens," which airs on Monday nights on CBS. The scenes and depictions are dead-on accurate and each of the characters reminds me of someone I know. It also airs in syndication on UPN (check your local listings).

Prayer Concerns: We have broadened and are continuing our development of evangelistic projects. We are looking to incorporate these efforts into a logo for all Ascension Church literature (weekly bulletins, letterheads, web page, etc.). Several people from the church met with a graphics designer this week and we are confident in developing a good design for this church. Continue to keep Michael in your prayers. He was able to actually stand up during our meeting with the graphics designer, but his back problems have not exactly gone away. Pray for me also as I prepare the multitude of material I will need for licensure and ordination in this Presbytery.
Until next week, take care for now and God-bless.
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