I mentioned last week that our church had planned to institute a weekly observance of the Lord's Supper this month. While we do plan on doing this, our introduction of this design will be postponed until March. You may remember that our broadening service had to be moved from December to January due to situations beyond our control. This is a similar situation. Michael is planning a short vacation with his family and will be out of town on Feb. 26. As a result, he has asked me to preach (this, by the way, is the most notice I have been given before being asked to preach). The problem is that I am not ordained yet in the PCA and cannot administer the Sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper). He doesn't think (and I agree) that we should begin weekly communion until it can be done without interruption for some length of time.
I am also still making an attempt to schedule a meeting time for the singles ministry to which I've been assigned and February is a short month. That too may need to be put off until March. Next week, our small groups will be hosting dinner discussions on the true meaning of love. It should be fun.

Personal Request!: When I got my cell phone bill in the mail this week, I nearly lost my lunch. I noticed several long distance calls were made to my phone during the day on weekdays in January. I only have free nights and weekends and those of you who know me know that there is no such thing as a brief conversation with Jack. I really want to talk to you, but I don't want to sacrifice a week's worth of groceries in order to do so. Please restrict calls to my cell phone to weekends and evenings (after 9:00 EST). If you must reach me during the weekdays, please call me on my home phone. I'll be happy to e-mail you the number.
Please continue to keep Ascension Church, Michael, and me in your prayers. Until next week, God-bless.
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