The program had a large number of children sign up, more than half of whom had no affiliation with our church. A number of parents expressed interest in our church as a result. With so many families with small children living in this part of Queens, our ability to offer quality Children's ministries is crucial in Ascension Church's planned growth. It's all we can do to praise God for the wonderful work He has done through our VBS program this week and what that will mean for us as we move on.
Our midwestern brothers and sisters also had an opportunity to experience another aspect of missions in Queens this evening (Thursday). We set up a table near a playground in a local park and distributed free bottled water (it was a hot day), and water for dogs as people often walk their pets in the park. We also had some books, Bibles and church literature at the table. Many great conversations were had through this venue and some good connections were made.
The rest of us handed our tracts and church info at surface exits for a major subway terminus in Forest Hills. Many great interactions were had by this exercise as well. Our Indiana friends were very excited to participate in this hands-on opportunity to minister to people in Queens this way. It was great. We've been pretty busy this week.
Change in my status: As most of you know, my work at Ascension was made possible through my participation in the Church Planting Fellows Program through Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Under the program, Redeemer paid me a stipened which accounted for 75 percent of my income this past year allowing me to work here as an Intern full-time with the additional help of some generous partners like some of you. The Fellows program is now over and the stipened is gone. What this means is that beginning next week I will become a part-time intern instead of a full-time one and will need to find full-time work elsewhere. The plan is to raise additional funds through my existing supporters and additional supporters so that I can eventually return to full-time status in the church. Because Ascension Presbyterian Church is new and small, it doesn't have enough money to pay me a salary. I ask those of you who currently partner with me to prayerfully consider increasing your gifts. I also ask that if you know anyone who might be interested in my work here, that you would put them in touch with me.
There is another change you need to know about. Your checks should continue to be mailed to me at home: 83-44 Lefferts Blvd. Apt. 3C; Kew Gardens, NY 11415. You should now make out checks to Ascension Church (the word Presbyterian is ono on the church's account at the bank) and continue to put my name on the memo line. Don't worry if you have already made out a check to Redeemer. They will be calculating funds for me and summing up the total this month.
Please continue to pray for my work in the church and also for me as I look for a full-time job.
I saw that picture of you, and I thought, "He's wearing shorts. You can't wear shorts in NY."
Each time I visited the Big Apple it was winter. Mind mind just can't compute - New York and summer - at the same time.
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