I don't look too good in spandex, nor do I see my position here as an opportunity to fight crime. For a big city, crime isn't too bad here, but the Gospel is still elusive in much of the five boroughs. It's the Gospel that brought me here and keeps me here and it's not a result of a spider bite, rather it's by the death and resurrection of Jesus that brings it all about.
Actually, the real reason I mention Spiderman here is that I'm taking the boys in the Youth Group to see Spiderman 3 tomorrow night. It should be a lot of fun.
Saturday, Ascension brings in a new outreach under the sponsorship of The Indie Society, our ministry to singles and married couples without children. We're calling it "Post-Modern Jive," and its a dance outreach which will instruct people in a simple and enjoyable style of dance that can be enjoyed to a variety of musical styles. We hope this could be a great outreach to a major group of the local demographic of central Queens: young profesional, singles or married without children. It too should be a load of fun. Please pray for this event on Saturday night.
Until our Alpha Course is completed, I may begin posting here on Wednesday evenings to avoid staying up later than I should on a weeknight. I'm not sure about it yet, but if you see a post here after next Wednesday, you'll know what I decided to do.
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