I took in a houseguest for a few days this week. He's a nice young chap from England who's flying out of JFK tomorrow and needed a place to stay for a few days while in New York. My apartment is small, but I have a futon, so when a good friend of mine from Jackson, MS called me to find out if I could put this fellow up for a few days, I thought it would be a nice opportunity to be hospitable. It has been interesting having him here, though I've had to bring him along on some Church business that may not be of particular interest to him, he's certainly been a good sport.

I also helped a friend move from the Bronx to Queens (house guest in tow). Normally, I wouldn't ask a guest to engage in such labor, but we needed all the hands we could get, and he was happy to oblige. It was interesting helping my friend move from her fourth floor apartment in the Bronx with no elevator into a first floor dormatory in Queens, but we got her moved just fine, and in eyeballing the situation, she's much better off in Queens than she was in the Bronx (I'm biased to Queens, or course, but indulge me).
I did make it up to my guest by taking him into Manhattan today to see some things he wanted to see, though I did have to drag him around to a few church-related errands in the morning.
On the tent-making front, I've finally landed a stable job as a technical writer (no more BicyTaxi), so God has really met my needs on yet another level. I start on Tuesday. As you know, my larger concern is with my work at Ascension Church, but at least I'll be able to pay my bills while I continue my fundraising efforts. God is good.
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